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Analysis- failed vibration tests

This is the one of the failed test, all the failed clay tests are because following reasons.

1: The thickness

I tried 1mm, 2mm, 3mm and 4mm thickness. When the clay thiner than 2mm, it's too soft and easy to stick on the surface of speaker even I spraied baby powder. When the clay thicker than 2mm and thiner than 4mm, it might lost some detail even didn't work because the weight. Around1.5mm is the best thickness.

2: The volume

I use macbook so the volume have 16 levels. the best level is depends the sound frequency. When I use low frequency sound such as 40HZ and 50HZ, the volume should lower than level 6, if not, the flat clay will be vibrate to a small ball because the low frequency sound always bring strong vibration. When I use higher frequency sound over than 100HZ, the volume should adjust to the high level more than level 12, otherwise the vibration too subtle that not enough shape the clay.

3:The sound range

Sound range should lower than 200HZ, because the weight of clay. over 200HZ sound vibration is easy to be seen on the water surface, but on clay area, even 1mm thickness clay is hard be shaped by over 200HZ sound vibration. using the loudest volume can only stick the clay to the surface of speaker.

3: devices:

At the most beginning I use speaker because I chose different type of music, and speaker is the most common device. then I bought an vibration generator because I wanted to test different materials using more wider range of sound. After tried other materials, I decided that take back the speaker because the surface of speaker are more flexible to vibration generator, and it's not totally flat, the slightly sunken make shaping easier.

After I find the best humidity, volume, and devices, the next stage is to test:

Will the same sound always create the same shape?

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