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Mid Point Review

My programe is to make a record player which including a play station camera instead of stylus,so that the record player can scan the image to data flow (depend on color, shape and texture) and translate it to piano music trough computer programing.There are two key issues I’m dealing with:

1. Designing a record puzzle that each element can be changed by color,texture.

2. How to match the data with the piano pitch trough computer programing.

Evaluation of my project proposal as a part of a self directed programme of study:

The good part of my project is: I found an interesting way which can translate the visual sense to the hearing sense. people can get the same experience with synaesthesia.

The unsatisfactory part is : If the final effect depends on computer programing , I will lose the chance to deal with materials and this programe will more like a programing project rather than a making project . The good part of my project is: I found an interesting way which can translate the visual sense to the hearing sense. people can get the same experience with synaesthesia. Date: Briefly write here (500 words max) on two or three key issues (you can list these in bullet points) in the following and see them as points for discussion.

Where I need to develop study plans in relation to the Unit 1 Learning Outcomes

1:Trying to find more sensor instead of digital camera or thingking about 3D scan, the record can be 3D, not just 2D.

2:Do not limited to shape and color, trying to deal with literature, poem, people’s talking, temperature or space … to expend more field.



Oscar: Sounds are made by vibration and frequency, try to think about the music box

and find some physical way to translate hearing sense.

Aijuan: There is nothing new that using computer programing to translate voice,

unless you program a new system. You also can using hearing sense as a

original triggers to trigger another sense.

Joyce: There is an amazing Sound Machine by Swedish band Wintergatan.

Henry: You can research Brail's work. It's a kind of language.

Maiko: ①I like 3D scan more than 2D scan. ②Playing piano by yourself might more

simple, think about start to music to create something. ③ Make an appointment

with Jonathan even something changed in your proposal.

next step-actions to be taken

1: Trying to take piano as an original stimulus to trigger another sense.

2: Researching more knowledge about vibration and frequency of sounds.

3: Transfer to using nature voice rather than digital sound.

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