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Tutorial with Maiko

1. Issues/subjects to be discussed (please write these down prior to tutorial):

How to transform auditory messages to visual representation through physical vibration? I tried shaping ceramic by speaker vibration instead of hand or 3D printing. The sound range within earshot should between 20Hz and 20KHz. In the next step, I will try some sound that out of human earshot.

2. Issues/subjects discussed:

Think a bout why this project is important? Not just make something.

How people approach your idea?

How do you chose the shape and why? Different shape can present totally different meaning.

What kind of sound will be used? The sound out of human earshot will motivate people to imagine.

What you want to present in future and how it influence audience.

3. Actions to be taken:

①: Exploring different casting materials that can keep the moment (resin, plaster wax and alginate casting), record the material experiment.

②: Research relative artists and find what motivated them?

③: To get a ultrasonic signal generator

④: Make a timeline for the project, make a set of tasks as soon as possible.

4. Student’s comments/notes

It’s a very useful tutorial, Maiko reminded me to explore more material, to rethink the aim of the project rather than just make something and to start producing as soon as possible.

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