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Performance of sound -Ingrid Murphy

The Campanologist’s Tea Cup(Ingrid Murphy 2015)

Ingrid Murphy is a practicing ceramicist, her piece The Campanologist’s Tea Cup is an interactive kinetic sound sculpture combining ceramics objects and electromechanical devices, it focus on exploring intersections of technology, craft and material process. This piece presents the material characteristics of ceramic through its specific sounds produced by electromechanical system that bounces a ball around the inside surface of ceramic. When audience tapping a small teacup the kinetic activity will be triggered, which brings an interactive and kinetic sound piece that produces a subtle and attractive soundscape from striking ceramic forms.

The work combined new technologies, digital approaches and traditional ceramic craft that enable both virtual and physical outcomes Her work attempts to provide the viewer with a different experience of the familiar.

This project help people understand how the new technologies influence the ways of people produce and perceive the crafted object.Moreover, the practices such as kinetic sculpture and experimental music were influenced by developments in engineering system and burgeoning digital technologies, increasing artists explores the context for this type of practice as partly informed by the handmade electronics and technological intervention.

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