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Why do people touch things ?

I talked with Jonathan that I want to transform touching sense to hearing sense.

The first question Jonathan want me to think about is: why do people touch things ?

I think the main reason is :People need get more information. For example, when you don't know a cup of water is worm or cold, when you are not sure the texture of cloth is soft or hard... People touch because there are not enough information collected by other senses especially visual sense.

So the next question is : How to attract people to touch.

1:cover all the things, so that people can only get information by touch.

2:using transparent cover to let people see the frame of object but without details, so that people may want to touch objects to get more information.

Jonathan suggested me to consider computer programing later,the next step is to do a text:

using several boxes, and put objects with different texture,then observe how people respond to the texture and sound. It will helps me to think about what kind of sound match what kind of texture in the future.

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