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Notes of MAVA lecture3

On action research, reflective practice

Jonathan Kearney- subject leader for MA Fine Arts Digital

What is action research?

research into practice by the practitioner to change and improve.

more than what you normally do, raises questions , improve and change.

4 characteristics

cyclical: what is my question? plan→ act→ovserve→reflect→plan again→act again ......

collaborative: with other people, with materials

qualitative (not quantitative) emphasis-words not numbers.

reflective. who you are? what you will doing instantly

Reflection could be argued to be the essential stage where learning is integrated within the whole learner, and added to existing frames of reference, and internalised and personalised.(Race, 2006)

reflection is:

not what you have done

it is about who you are, when you are doing it.


tries to encapsulate change

when did that change take place?

what was the pivotal moment?

when did it start to occur, when did it speed up or slow down?

questions Action Research:

what do you make? Cyclical

In what ways do you want Collaborative

to change or improve what Qualitative

you make? Reflective

Plan what you will do next

in light of the characteristics

of action research.

reference book:

The practitioner allows himself to experience surprise, puzzlement, or confusion in a situation which he finds uncertain or unique. He reflects on the phenomienon before him, and on the prior understandings which have been implicit in his behaviour. He carries out an experiment which serves to generate both a new understanding of the phenomenon and a change in the situation.(Schon 1983: 68)

'technical-rationality '

problems are solvable through the rigorous application of science

'professional artistry'

reflection-in-action-intuitive practice over protocols

Professional practice is complex, unpredictable and messy. In order to cope, profeccionals have to be able to do more than follow set procedures.

They draw on both practical experience and theory as they think on their feet and improvise.

They act both intuitively and creatively. Both reflection-in and on-action allows them to revise, modify and refine their expertise

reflective blog/journal

keep personal record of:



thought processes

successes and failures

issues dealing with (≈next steps)

action research

methodology not method?

making your work

audio, photographic and video records

case studies

diaries,journals or logs

field notes

interaction analysis


praticipant and non-participant observation.


science experiment no change (researcher or the world)

art/design experiment change (artista and artist's world)

But the artist, if asked whether an art piece could be remade with identical results, would have to answer no-- or it wouldn't be art. In making a piece of art, both the artist and the artist's world are changed, and re-asking the question---facing the next blank canvas---will always yield a different answer.....There is a moment for each artist in which a particular truth can be found, and if it is not found then, it will not ever be.(Bayles,D.&Orland,T, 1993)

Hamlet & Shakespeare

unfalsifiable (不可被检验的)

phenomenology and hermeneutics 现象论和解释学



what have you done so far?

what have you discovered so far?

what wil you change because of what you have discovered?

what will you do next?

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