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Initial project proposal

MA Designer-maker 2015

Research question

My research question is to translate hearing sense to vision image and use different tactility of materials to pass on different feelings.In the meantime, keeping a record of the motion trace of the melody performance process. The mouth shape of singing and the movement trace of playing instruments, for instance. This research is related to the traditional music of China, such as Nushu, GuQin tablature, etc..


Nushu is a kind of folk song which only spreaded by word of mouth without music score. GuQin notation is a tablature which only to keep a record of playing method and pitch and not recording the rhythm.

Inspired by choreographer Lin Hwai-ming who translate Chinese calligraphy to dance-language, I decided to do this research. The major influences on my works are from designers such as lv Yong-zhong, Kan Tai-keung, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Issey Miyake. Their works conveys some unique oriental philosophies on aesthetic perspectives. Peter Gentenaar, Cui Fei, Karen Margolis, Sally Collins, are also inspire me a lot by using various materials like organics,papers and metal.

CursiveII, by Lin Huaiming

Nushu , by Tan Dun

Tracing the origin,by Cui Fei

Paper sculpture,by Peter Gentenaar


In early stage, I did some research in Hunan Province. I recorded the melody of Nushu, and then to create the rhythm of GuQin tablature. Just like the time-lapse photography, I painted the motion trace of players.And then using different materials like felt,metal or papers to express the emotion of different melody. In the future, I hope to try more materials extensively.


I need the technical guidance about metal and papers, as well as the theoretical direction of oriental esthetics. In London the abundant libraries, galleries and museums will be my inspiration. I have a great passion for life and I am sure I will come upon interesting materials at various places that could inspire me.


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